be a member

Yes, I would like to add my voice to ACOM by becoming a member!

Membership begins January 1, 2024, and ends on December 31, 2024. We will remind you for the next cycle.

Membership Dues: $25.00/year or any other donation amounts gladly accepted!

If you would like a receipt, you must include your email on the payment form.  ACOM thanks you for your kind donation!

For Further Contact:
Asian Community of Marina

  1. Promoting the visibility and influences of the collective Asian community in Marina and in Monterey County.
    a. Participate in achieving the regional legacy project of an Asian American Garden in Marina that will highlight Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino and Vietnamese local histories of immigration.
    b. Access to timely news on important local issues that require our input or participation e.g. Downtown Vitalization Specific Plan, General Plan update, Asian events such as the Walk of Remembrance, mural dedications, etc.
    c. Develop skills to participate in civic initiatives of group organizing and outreach to promote the interests of Asian Americans.
    d. Foster international good-will through hosting events in our role as partners with the City of Marina Sister City Program (Japan and South Korea) e.g. friendship delegation visits between U.S. and Sister Cities, student exchange programs and home stay experiences.
    e. Work side-by-side with all Asian groups for a variety of cultural/civic events and giving input at public hearings on important city initiatives.
    f. Protecting immigrants and Asian Americans through collective actions in the event of racist acts against Asians.
    g. Educating ourselves about our Asian American identities to create fellowship and friendship among our different ethnic Asian groups.
  2. In-person fellowship at monthly ACOM meetings.
  3. Invitations to ACOM special activities/events or updates of local Marina and Monterey County news.
  4. “Action News” emails alerting members to actionable participation for Asian interests.
  5. “About Town” updates on local and regional news of interest to our Asian community.
  6. Discounts on ACOM swag items.